Showing posts with label Africa. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Africa. Show all posts

Wednesday, July 31, 2013

Zombie Apocalypse

I met hubby for lunch today and as I was leaving I noticed an older Jeep Grand Cherokee with a green radiation sticker stating, "Zombie Outbreak Response Team."  I'm sure this is just a funny joke sticker playing along with the idea and fear of the once dead rising to terrorize us. I'm pretty sure people don't believe in Zombies. Do they really believe in Zombies?

I called one of my dear friends to laugh about this sticker and dumb people. She brought it to my attention that people in Africa really do believe. Not just like a horror movie or a joke, but more like a superstitious belief along with their religion. She also stated that in Africa, in fact, there has been documented accounts of true Zombies. This wasn't like the American fear of Zombie's. This was legit. These people do not believe in Western medicine. They believe in calling up the tribe's VooDoo Doctor aka Witch Doctor to fix any problem.

***ZOM-BIE: n. also ZOM-BIES pl. 1. An animated corpse that feeds on living human flesh. 2. A voodoo spell that raises the dead. 3. A Voodoo snake god. 4. One who moves or acts in a daze "like a zombie." [a word of West African origin] 
- Max Brooks, "The Zombie Survival Guide"***

I find this absolutely insane. On both sides of the world, the belief of Zombie's is true to some, but to me it's a Hollywood scary movie. That could never happen, right? People eating people. Hell, what about Hannibal Lector. He ate a man's face off. Poor guy actually survived that terrible incident. However, they are saying it was Marijuana and NOT bath salts that "made" this guy lose his mind and eat someone's face. I have never known a 'Stoner' to lose it like that or ever for that matter. Stoner's are chill people. They just want to be high and live in slow motion.

There is a brain parasite called Toxoplasma Gondii that is believed to be one way to turn Zombie. Upon a study of mice, healthy mice were put in a maze with different corners with various odors. One of those odors being a cat. The healthy mice would smell the cat and quickly get the hell out of Dodge. The infected mice didn't look different from the healthy mice and when the would come across the cat odor, they would stay with obvious intentions of dying. These parasites quietly live inside humans and since mice and humans have similar brains, it's estimated over half the earth is infected with this parasite. This is why if your eggo is preggo you should stray from changing kitty litter. Some scientists believe this parasite does effect it's host mice, cats and humans. Mice willingly dying and a jealous man are some of the believed side effects. Maybe that's what is wrong with Hubby. Maybe he's turning into a Zombie. Oh shit!

The CDC actually endorses the "Zombie Apocalypse" and tells you how to prepare for a Zombie ridden Earth.  In all actuality, the CDC is using something people believe in to help prepare for any disaster. Kinda brilliant if you ask me. People can be ignorant and people can have legitimate fears. Some believe in all sorts of VooDoo and a Zombie Apocalypse, while others believe in the Bible and Jesus returning for his whole hearted followers and leaving the world in literal hell.

Do I believe in Zombie's? No. I don't think any of the sort will ever happen. EVER. I do not believe "I Am Legend" or "Warm Bodies" is more than just a movie to scare the shit out of people. I went into labor with my middle son over "I Am Legend." If you want suspense, this is the movie.  Do I think you should always be prepared for a pandemic, terrorist attack or a natural disaster? Yes. Always should you prepare for any kind of emergency situation. We live in a scary world with scary things, but I do not think Zombie's are one of them.

What do you think? Do you believe in Zombie's?