Showing posts with label names. Show all posts
Showing posts with label names. Show all posts

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Crazy Baby Names

I was browsing around on Yahoo and came across this list about Celebrity Baby Names. Why would you ever name your baby Cricket? I know your name is "Busy Phillipps", but you couldn't have come up with a better name then some annoying insect. What is it with these celebs? You have all the money in the world and you already know, depending on your status, that your baby will be followed from birth until their melt-down teenage years. Have you ever thought to give your child a name that will not become a discussion topic to their on-call therapist?

I have to say Kimye's choice was far more ridiculous than Cricket. "North West" swish that around in your mouth. It makes me wonder if the child will turn in circles every time she hears her name. "Which way is North West?", "Oh that's me, 'kay!" Beyonce and Jay-Z, which I expected nothing less from them, named their kid "Blue Ivy." Don't you think some kids on the play ground would call her "Blue Waffle"?

When I had children, I really thought of every which way my kid's name could be made fun of or if the initials would be something like "A.S.S." My kids have semi-popular names, definitely not out of the ordinary. They are also not spelled with a crazy arrangements of letters. Example, Leah-Leygha or Michael-Mykal. This drives me insane and I feel so sorry for the child AND the teacher when roll is called. It reminds me of that joke. The name was 'Le-a'. Your first thoughts on pronunciation are "Le Ah, Le A, Lee, Li A" and when the teacher calls Mom and asks, "How do you pronounce your child's name?" The mom replies,"Lee-DASH-A, the dash don't be silent, lady!!"

I really think there should be some sort of vote from the birth certificate lady at the hospital. If you name your child something stupid or with screwed up letters, YOU get vetoed and the Birth Certificate lady gets to change it.I think that's what's wrong these days. We have too many "Apple's, Blue Ivy's, Cricket's and Le-a's" in this world. I'm all for originality, but let the name make since. You can't name your kid 'Rainbow and Unicorns' or something you would name a dog like "Krypto or Kneut". One day, these kids will grow up and you  will have to release them into the real world with corporate America. I just don't think I could allow a Doctor named Krypto work on me or a Lawyer named Rainbow. It just doesn't work.

What do you think about silly names?