Showing posts with label hammer. Show all posts
Showing posts with label hammer. Show all posts

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

CafeMom FAIL

 I have been a member with CafeMom since the dark ages and I love the place. I love that CafeMom is a "meeting place" for such diversity. There is definitely something for every mother and we ALL understand each other because we share a common bond.  However today, I was browsing a group and a certain post  made me laugh so hard and say, "What. In. The. Actual. Fuck?"

So, this crazy bee starts complaining how she found herself on a CafeMom Fail blog and she thinks it's so weird someone would 'blog' about her. She, like an ass hat, posted something VERY private on CafeMom. Such as, she had worms and needed to go to the doctor to have it cleared up.She said she obtained the worms by walking barefoot in the grass. But what GOT me was she was also on the fail site for admitting she masturbates with a hammer. A fucking hammer. Really?

Holy SHIT. This bitch is nuts.

Not only should you be worried about the health hazards of using this object in a sensitive area, i.e. getting splinters and possible tetanus, but what would even MAKE you want to "get off" with a hammer. You have issues, doll. You have issues.

There is also some other dumb idiot on there for sexcapades with her husband in front of her "cousin" and her husband's brother on vacation. She also talks about his tool. Seriously???

Another lady took a picture of her poor husband either taking a dump or "doing his thang" and posted it on CafeMom. Who does that?

Where are the Admins of the site regulating what's going on? I'll tell you, if you try to post a simple link about something related to a work at home thing or a blog, they will shut you down quick. Hey CafeMom, where the fuck are you? You are so quick to detect possible spam, but orgy's and masturbation techniques are not on your radar.

People, this is the internet. Everything you say, every picture you post will be there FOREVER! The women at CafeMom are NOT going to keep your darkest secrets and they most certainly will make it known that you are a moron. You are posting for the world to see. You are telling people, "Hey, look at me! I'm an idiot that needs a good cunt punt." I would like to say I am in shock, but people no longer amaze me. I just don't understand the idiocy and lack of common sense.

Nonetheless, I laughed. HARD. Good job, CafeMom Fails. You. Are. Awesome!